There is a new story circulating today that a former assistant—Paul
Re: Armstrong doping question
Wed, 06 Apr 2005 11:55:08 GMT
Stephen Harding <>

Again, another form of negative American stereotyping. Americans do everything for oil. That was why the US was involved in bombing Serbia and Kosovo. That was why the US was involved in Vietnam. That is the driving force for the Iraq invasion. Oil dictates American foreign policy. No other country in the world cares about oil (at least not to the point of fighting over it) except the US. Greedy American oil companies want to rule the world.

I don’t buy it. It’s a factor in any nation’s foreign policy (or it out to be for a responsible government). It’s not the over-riding rule in foreign policy decision-making though.—Stephen

No, anti-Bush stereotyping. Lots of Americans are active environmentalists, Bush is not. It is possible to dislike individual Americans - even the leader - without being anti-American. Neocons can’t see this, of course, but everyone else can.—Just

See, I didn’t say that. I think greedy capitalists want to rule the world. Not all of them are American.—Just