There is a new story circulating today that a former assistant—Paul
Re: Armstrong doping question
1 Apr 2005 08:46:16 -0800
"Maggie" <>

Sure, pick on the women cyclists. At least they admitted it. Steroid abuse is in every sport. A recent report indicated that 6.6% of male high school seniors use steroids or have used them in the past. The incidence of steroid use among females, 2%, is much lower. Of these users, a large majority initiated use before they were 17 years old. These surveys report that the primary reason high school males take steroids is to improve athletic performance. Also with some, to improve their body image. I have two nephews who became caught up with steroid use during their high school football days. They were the star athletes at school. Now that they are in their early 30’s, they realize how stupid they were. Their parents caught it fast while they were still in High School and put an end to it. Who knows how long it would have gone on with them and what they would be suffering today if it was not stopped. If Lance or any other professional athletic is or has taken steroids, they should admit it, and help keep kids from following the same path. Thats what they should do, but usually when people are not caught, they don’t tell. All good things, Maggie All Good Things, Maggie—Maggie

Re: Armstrong doping question
1 Apr 2005 10:00:59 -0800
"Art Harris" <>

Nah, I’m not picking on women. And there’s no doubt cycling and other sports are rife with drug use. But the specific question was about steroids. I’m not aware of many cyclists using steroids, probably because they don’t want the extra bulk (weight). Or maybe because it’s too easily detected. My only recollection of documented steroid use in cycling was among women.

Art Harris—Art

Re: Armstrong doping question
Fri, 01 Apr 2005 19:42:07 GMT
"SpAnKy" <>

It would make more sense for a track cyclist than an endurance cyclist. Look at how big Marty Nothstein was, or Nelson Vails. Now look at Armstrong, Landis, Tyler Hamilton(not a steroid user, possibly EPO). I would say steroids no, EPO possibly, if anything.—SpAnKy