Juggling Pi as a siteswap.—strach
Re: Pi as a siteswap.
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 19:46:52 +0100
Rory Parle <rpa...@soylentred.REMOVECAPS.net.INVAL...
Re: Pi as a siteswap.
11 Apr 2005 19:16:53 GMT
kuba.straszew...@poczta.fm.nospam (strach)

i checked the existence of siteswaps up to 50 length. i doubt if there are any longer ones in first 1000 digits. i wonder how far is the first 100 digits long siteswap in Pi.

f(n) looks as O(some very high exponent)—strach

Re: Pi as a siteswap.
Mon, 11 Apr 2005 20:59:01 +0100
Rory Parle <rpa...@soylentred.REMOVECAPS.net.INVAL...

Since you can’t have siteswaps with two digits n places apart where the first digit is the second digit plus n[1], it should be easy to find a lot of such pairs in whatever section of pi you’re looking at, so limiting the maximum length of a siteswap to the largest distance between these pairs. Actually it would be from the digit after the first digit in the first pair to the digit before the second digit in the second pair.

For example in 3.1415926535897932384 (twenty digits) there can be no                       ^^ ^^ siteswap of period > 8 because it would have to include 65 or 32, which aren’t allowed.—Rory