Juggling Pi as a siteswap.—strach
Re: Pi as a siteswap.
Thu, 14 Apr 2005 15:05:20 +0000 (UTC)
Little Paul <l...@juggler.nospam.net>
Re: Pi as a siteswap.
Thu, 14 Apr 2005 16:52:39 +0100
Roger Light <roger.li...@DOESNTLIKESPAMnottingham....

Somewhat disappointingly, tr doesn’t support \s otherwise we could have had

tr -d ’\s’

to give

gcc unpack_pi.c && ./a.out 1 100000000 < pi100m.hexbin.000 | tr -d ’\s’ > pi100mformat.txt

Instead we have to use

tr -d ’[:space:]’

which is only one character less that the original perl

We could restrict ourselves to spaces, tabs and new lines to lose four characters over the perl.

tr -d \n\t’

I blame the silly long file names anyway...—Roger