Assignment 3 Part 4 (submitted by Karl on Feb 7, 00:34)

Beautiful Code
Ka-Ping Yee

AUTHORS:   Adam   Calvin   Chris   David   Derek   Hunter   Jacob   Jason   Jun   Karl   Kevin   Michael   Morgan   Nadia   Nerissa   Omair   Peter   Peterson   Ping   Richard   Scott   Thanh   Varun

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Feb 17, 23:52 - Thanh: I like your docstrings; they're pretty succinct and clear as to what your functions do! It'd be easier for reading/understanding if you had put the if expressions on separate lines; but, it's not that big of a deal. It's just a style issue, I guess.

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  1 #!/usr/bin/env python
  3 # Karl Chen
  5 # $Id:,v 1.8 2003/02/07 08:33:07 quarl Exp $
  7 import re
  9 global dict
 11 def read_dictionary(dictionary_file):
 12     """Load a dictionary file.
 14 DICTIONARY_FILE should be a string filename."""
 15     global dict
 16     dict = {}
 17     file = open(dictionary_file)
 18     while 1:
 19         line = file.readline()
 20         if not line: break
 21         dict[line.split('\n')[0]] = 1
 23 def read_file(file):
 24     """Reads a file and returns a string of its contents."""
 25     return ''.join(open(file).readlines())
 27 def check_word(word):
 28     """Returns true if a word is spelled correctly."""
 29     return dict.get(word)
 31 def tokenize_text(text):
 32     """Tokenize a block of text into a list of words.
 34 Input TEXT is any string. Returns a list of words."""
 35     words = re.split('[^A-Za-z]+', text)
 36     if not words: return None
 37     if words and words[0] == '': words = words[1:]
 38     if words and words[-1] == '': words = words[0:-1]
 39     return words