Assignment 3 Part 4 (submitted by Chris on Feb 8, 22:04)

Beautiful Code
Ka-Ping Yee

AUTHORS:   Adam   Calvin   Chris   David   Derek   Hunter   Jacob   Jason   Jun   Karl   Kevin   Michael   Morgan   Nadia   Nerissa   Omair   Peter   Peterson   Ping   Richard   Scott   Thanh   Varun

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Feb 15, 20:44 - Varun: Wow! very well-thought out implementation. Certainly provides the user with a lot of functionality.

Feb 15, 20:46 - Varun (line 18): Some comments to explain sub sections of the methods will be helpful. For instance saying "Checking to see if word with lower case or higher case first letter is present."

Feb 23, 16:04 - Ping (lines 15, 16): The first set of parentheses on this line is unnecessary.

Feb 23, 16:05 - Ping (line 43): This seems like a strange rule for determining what constitutes a word. What about numbers?

Feb 23, 16:06 - Ping (line 45): An easier way to check if a character is in a string is to use the in operator. For example, ' ' in word

Feb 23, 16:06 - Ping (lines 59, 65): The parentheses here are not needed.

Feb 23, 16:08 - Ping (line 72): I see you're looking at the value of the argument to decide whether to check a file or a string. This is generally not a good design choice, because you can't predict in advance what all files or strings will look like. I might have a file on my disk called "hello" that needs checking, or a string containing "hello" that needs checking. Writing one function to serve two different purposes like this is called overloading. In this case it would be better to simply write two separate functions.

Please log in if you would like to add comments.


  1 dict = {}
  3 def AddWord(word):
  4         """add a word to dictionary
  5         return true if sucessful add, otherwise false"""
  6         dict[word] = word
  8 def DelWord(word):
  9         """delete a word from dictionary"""
 10         """return true if sucessful, otherwise false"""
 11         dict[word] = None
 13 def CheckWord(word):
 14         """check if a word is in the dictionary"""
 15         upper = (word[0]).upper() + word[1:]
 16         lower = (word[0]).lower() + word[1:]
 17         """return 'word' if the word is mispelled"""
 18         if (dict.get(word) == None) and (dict.get(upper) == None) and (dict.get(lower) == None):
 19                 return word
 20         else:
 21                 return None
 23 def CheckSent(sent):
 24         """spell check the given sent
 25         return an array of mispelled word, and [] if no mispelled words"""
 26         for char in '0123456789,./;\'[]\\=<>?:"{}|+-_)(*&^%$#@!~':
 27                 sent = sent.replace(char, ' ')
 28         res = [];
 29         for word in sent.split():
 30                 if (CheckWord(word) != None):
 31                         res.append(word)
 32         return res
 34 def LoadDic(filename):
 35         """add all the words in the given file to dictionary"""
 36         file = open(filename)
 37         for line in file:
 38                 for word in line.split():
 39                         AddWord(word)
 41 def IsWord(word):
 42         """return true if the input is a word"""
 43         # if it doesn't contain space, it's word
 44         # if it contain '~', it's not word
 45         if (word.replace('~', ' ') == word):
 46                 return None
 47         if (word.replace(' ', '~') == word):
 48                 return word
 50 def IsSent(sent):
 51         """return true if input is a sentence"""
 52         return sent
 54 def IsFN(filename):
 55         """return true if the input is a filename"""
 56         # the filename must end with .???
 57         if len(filename) <= 4:
 58                 return None
 59         if (filename[-4] != '.'):
 60                 return None
 62         # the file can not contain any funny symbols
 63         for fn in filename:
 64                 for char in '!@#$%^&*(){}[]|<>,?':
 65                         if (fn == char):
 66                                 return None
 67         return filename
 69 def SpellCheck(target):
 70         """Spellcheck the target
 71         target could be a word, a sentence, an essay, or a filename"""
 72         if IsFN(target):
 73                 file = open(target)
 74                 res = []
 75                 for line in file:
 76                         res.extend(CheckSent(line))
 77                 return res
 78         else:
 79                 return CheckSent(target)