first last msgs starter: topic
13 h ago 9 h ago 3 shap: Renaming "capability"
19 d ago 12 h ago 104 markm: Serialization in Squeak-E (was: MAC calculation)
42 h ago 37 h ago 2 ben: [Fwd: Re: [cap-talk] [Fwd: Re: [Dev] database wire
2 d ago 41 h ago 3 vze2729k: Modelling Blindness
5 d ago 3 d ago 2 jar8: Lampson, ACLs, and capabilities
5 d ago 5 d ago 1 tribble: Naming Capability Systems
5 d ago 5 d ago 1 alan_karp: "Capability Myths Demolished" (was: Software secur ity
17 d ago 7 d ago 21 zooko: capability myths demolished!
11 d ago 7 d ago 12 daw: "Capability Myths Demolished" (was: Software security
7 d ago 7 d ago 1 markm: E-on-EROS thread on eros-arch
9 d ago 8 d ago 3 vze2729k: "Capability Myths Demolished" (was: Software secur ity
14 d ago 9 d ago 3 markm: EIO: Proposed a non-blocking I/O library for E
10 d ago 10 d ago 1 alan_karp: "Capability Myths Demolished" (was: Software securi ty
10 d ago 10 d ago 2 alan_karp: "Capability Myths Demolished" (was: Software secur ity
15 d ago 10 d ago 21 ping: Commentary on Wallach's "Extensible Security Architectures
10 d ago 10 d ago 1 tyler: "Capability Myths Demolished" (was: Software security
11 d ago 11 d ago 2 daw: Commentary on Wallach's "Extensible Security Architectures
15 d ago 15 d ago 1 kragen: eyeballs, prizes, EALs, and capdesks
18 d ago 16 d ago 8 rwithers: Serialization in Squeak-E (was: MAC calculation)
17 d ago 17 d ago 1 rwithers12: Serialization in Squeak-E (was: MAC calculation)
17 d ago 17 d ago 1 rwithers12: Distributed Space-Time Debugging (was: MAC calculation)
17 d ago 17 d ago 1 rwithers12: did somebody say they liked 3D collaborative environments?
18 d ago 18 d ago 1 rwithers12: Fw: Alan Kay to Join HP
18 d ago 18 d ago 2 rwithers12: [VatTP] MAC calculation
19 d ago 18 d ago 2 markm: [VatTP] MAC calculation
18 d ago 18 d ago 1 rwithers: FW: [Q] x.509 encoding of a dsa public key
18 d ago 18 d ago 1 rwithers12: [VatTP] MAC calculation
19 d ago 19 d ago 1 daw: Software security workshop
23 d ago 21 d ago 2 frantz: [VatTP] MAC calculation
22 d ago 22 d ago 1 frantz: [VatTP] MAC calculation
22 d ago 22 d ago 1 tyler: [cap-talk] Fwd: [e-lang] Beta testing for Waterken RDB
24 d ago 23 d ago 5 rwithers: [VatTP] MAC calculation
24 d ago 24 d ago 2 tyler: Beta testing for Waterken RDB Webizer
24 d ago 24 d ago 1 markm: Fwd: [e-lang] Beta testing for Waterken RDB Webizer
25 d ago 24 d ago 2 rwithers12: *****SPAM***** Re: [e-lang] [VatTP] MAC calculation
25 d ago 24 d ago 2 marcs: Final Report for DarpaBrowser available
25 d ago 25 d ago 1 rwithers12: *****SPAM***** Re: [e-lang] [VatTP] MAC calculation
25 d ago 25 d ago 1 rwithers12: [VatTP] MAC calculation
Nov 12 Nov 12 1 zooko: patch for rune script plus carping about infrastructure
Nov 10 Nov 11 2 chris: quasi-questions
Nov 10 Nov 10 2 shap: Review: Toshiba Tablet PC
Nov 7 Nov 7 1 reinhold: Windows 2000 declared secure