Inspired by the ideas of Xanadu and the Memex, and developed for a project of the Foresight Institute to enable critical discussions and enhance productivity for those using the web, CritLink takes vital steps toward a truly connected and interactive Web structure.
The CritLink software can be used to provide an annotation service for the whole Web, or within a workgroup to privately annotate any public Web site or a local Intranet. Annotations can be applied to any plain text or HTML document, including any other annotation, and they can be stored anywhere, publicly or privately, in the same way as any other Web document.
When CritSuite has been used to comment on a document, text relevant to the annotation will be bracketed by small colored markers. The colors indicate the nature of the comment: green for support, red for an issue, blue for a comment, or orange for a query. The markers also contain small symbols to help them appear more distinct: a plus sign for support, a minus sign for an issue, a hash mark for a comment, or a question mark for a query.
- demonstration abstract submitted to CSCW 2002 (accepted)
- short paper submitted to Hypertext '98 (rejected)
- CritLink mediator design document
- draft RFC for text-search fragment identifiers used in CritLink
(This proposed specification supersedes the current implementation in the CritLink mediator software.)
- Download CritLink 0.9.2 to set up your own annotation server.