On the Inability of an Unmodified Capability Machine to Enforce the *-Property
W. E. Boebert
7th DOD/NBS Computer Security Conference, 1984

(this page was transcribed from a paper copy by Ka-Ping Yee in January 2003)

7th DOD/NBS Computer Security Conference

September 24-26, 1984

                            TO ENFORCE THE *-PROPERTY

                                   W. E. Boebert

                        Honeywell Systems and Research Center

                                  Minneapolis, MN


     It is shown that, in the absence of additional mechanisms, a  machine
based on capability addressing is incapable of enforcing a common class of
security policies.  This circumstance results from an intrinsic property of
such machines:  the right to exercise access carries with it the right to
grant access.  This result was, to the author's best knowledge, discovered
by the PSOS [1] design team circa 1979, and is summarized here owing to
increased interest in capability machines and the enforcement of this particular
class of security policies.


     A "capability machine" [2] is one in which there exist distinguished
objects of the form (Name, Mode), where Name is the name of a storage object
such as a segment, and Mode is an access mode such as Read or Write.  Cpaabilities
are protected from tampering and are passed between programs in order to provide
controlled sharing of storage objects.  In order for a program to exercise access
to a storage object, the program must possess a capability granting the desired
access.  "Possess" in this sense means that the program has access to the storage
object which contains the capability.  An "unmodified capability machine," in
the sense used here, is one in which capabilities are the sole mechanism for
controlling access by programs to storage objects.


     The Simple Security Property and the *-Property

     The Simple Security Property and the *-Property are components of a
commonly encountered class of mandatory security policies.  Such policies
define restrictions on the flow of information within a computer system.  The
restrictions are based on attributes associated with programs in execution
(often called subjects) and storage objects (often called objects).  A simplified
version of these properties is presented below; the interested reader is referred
to [3] and [4] for more details.

     The attribute associated with a subject is its "clearance," a value which
expresses the trustworthiness of the user on whose behalf the program is executing.
The attribute associated with a storage object is its "classification," a value
which expresses the sensitivity of the information it contains.


     The Simple Security Property states that Read access is permitted if
and only if clearance is greater than or equal to classification.  The
*-Property states that Write access is permitted if and only if classification
is greater than or equal to clearance.

     Trojan Horse Attacks

     These restrictions are imposed to prevent what are called "Trojan
Horse attacks," in which a malicious program abuses the clearance it
temporarily possesses (as the consequence of executing on behalf of a
trusted user) in order to compromise the information to which that user has
a legitimate right to access.  In the typical Trojan Horse attack, a program
written by a malicious party is made publicly available.  An unwitting user
invokes the program, bestowing upon it (for the period of the invocation)
the clearance level of the user.  The program then performs, in addition
to its publicly known function, a clandestine examination and transfer of
information to which its author does not have legitimate access.

     The appropriateness of the Simple Security Property is obvious, since
it states that no program may access information whose sensitivity exceeds
the trustworthiness of the user on whose behalf the program is executing.
The *-Property is less obvious; it exists to prevent the trivial circum-
vention of the Simple Security Property by means of Write access.  Without
the *-Property, it would be possible for a malicious program to write
sensitive information (to which it temporarily has legitimate access, as a
consequence of being invoked unwittingly be a trustworthy user) into a
storage object of low classification.  Such information could then be read
later by a program executing on behalf of a user of low trustworthiness,
thereby compromising the sensitive information.  The restriction imposed
by the *-Property prevents this "de facto declassification."


     Consider an omniscient oracle which executes on a pure capability
machine for the purpose of enforcing a security police consisting of the
Simple Security Property and the *-Property.  Any program wishing access
to a storage object must appeal to the oracle, which compares the clearance
of the program to the classification of the storage object and grants or
denies access accordingly, by setting the Mode value of the capability
which is returned as the response to the appeal.  Thus a program executing
on behalf of a user with a high clearance which requests access to a storage
object of low classification would receive a capability with only the Read
access set, in accordance with the *-Property.


     In a pure capability machine, the intentions of such an oracle can be
subverted by the following attack:  A malicious program executing on behalf
of a user with low clearance requests a capability which grants Read and
Write access to a storage object of equally low classification.  We will
call this object low_object and the capability RW_low_object.  Such a
request is naturally granted by the oracle.  The program places RW_low_object
in low_object.  At some later time, a user wiht a high clearance unwittingly
invokes a Trojan Horse program.  The Trojan Horse program requests a capability


granting read access to a storage object of high classification.  We will call
the object high_object and the capability R_high_object.  This request will
also naturally be granted.  Finally, the Trojan Horse program requests a
capability granting Read access to low_object.  This request will be granted
by the oracle, in accordance with the Simple Security Property.  We will
call this last capability R_low_object.

     The Trojan Horse program then uses R_low_object to fetch RW_low_object
from low_object.  A malicious program now simultaneously possesses R_high_
object and RW_low_object, and is therefore able to transfer information in
violation of the *_Property.

     Note that this attack succeeds even if the *-Property is further
restricted to state that writing can only occur if clearance equals classifica-
tion.  The attack can be stopped only if both reading and writing are
restricted to cases where clearance equals classification, which is of course
the trivial case of no flow whatsoever.


     The attack is made possible by an inherent attribute of pure capability
systems:  the right to exercise access carries with it the right to
propagate that access.  Thus even if an omniscient oracle correctly creates
capabilities, it cannot control their further propagation.  If extra
mechanisms are imposed to impose this control, the machine is no longer an
unmodified capability machine.


[1] Neuman, P.G., et al, A Provably Secure Operating System:  The System,
Its Applications, and Proofs, Computer Science Laboratory Report CSL-116,
SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, 7 May 1980.

[2] Dennis, J.B. and Van Horn, E.C., "Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed
Computations," CACM, IX, 3, March 1966, pp. 143-155.

[3] Landwehr, C.E., "Formal Models for Computer Security," ACM Comp. Surv.
XIII, 3, Sept. 1981, pp. 247-248.

[4] Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria,
Department of Defense Computer Security Center, 15 Aug. 1983.
