def speling(): '''Provides functions for checking spelling. Takes string and evaluates it for intidivual words. Then tests these words against a dictionary of possible words. If a match is found then the word is bypassed and the next word is checked. Words can be added and deleted from the dictionary through module.''' parser() dictionary(words) pass def test_dictionary(): '''tests for the existance of a word from a list in dictionary''' pass def add_word(): '''allows user to add a word to the dictionary. word is first tested to see if it already exists in the dictionary''' pass def remove_word(): '''allows user to remove a word to the dictionary. word is first tested to see if it already exists in the dictionary''' pass def browse dictionary(): '''allows user to enter in word to check for it's existence in dictionary. As the user types in the word posible endings to the word are supplied from which the user can scroll down and choose from.''' pass def parser(): '''takes strings and seperates out white spaces and punctuation, giving back a list of words''' pass def test_word(): '''tests a word given to see if it is located in the dictionary. It will then return a possitive or negative depending upon if a match was found.''' def create_words(): '''takes words that weren't found in dictionary and attempts to make a list of words from dictionary that it could be a possible composite of due to lack of white spaces.''' pass def possible_words(): '''takes words that weren't found in dictionary and ruturns a list of words that have simmilar spelling based upon the number of each letter and their placement. Also looks for words that have letter small letter changes based upon letters that are near the letter on a keyboard or have simmilar sounds''' pass